The “Must Have” Pregnancy Due Date Chart to Figure Out Your Own Due Date

Sometimes those pregnancy due date wheels that the doctors use don't work for everyone.  If you have a perfect 28 day cycle and you always ovulate on day 14, it will probably work great for you.  But if your cycle is longer, you ovulate on a day other than day 14, your luteal phase is longer, or you're undergoing fertility treatments, you might need some extra help in calculating your due date.

Are You Ready to Figure It Out?

I'm Ready. Send it to me!

Download the Pregnancy Due Now and Figure Out Your Due Date, Even When Your Cycle Isn't 28 Days, Including:

  • Cycles that are longer than 28 days
  • When ovulation doesn't happen on Day 14
  • When your luteal phase isn't 14 days
  • During fertility treatments

Hey there! I'm Amber... 

I'm a Registered Dietitian specializing in pregnancy and reproductive nutrition.  

I know how frustrating it can be to navigate through all the information that's available online and figure out what to believe.  In fact, after my twins were born, I went back to school to become a Registered Dietitian to learn more about it.  And I'm here to share everything I've learned with you!  


Almost there!

Enter your name and e-mail address to get your free Pregnancy Due Date Chart to figure out your due date even when your cycle length varies.